Suit Up
Unless you are living underground with no social media you would know that suiting has taken over in the biggest way and I couldn't be more thrilled about it. There's something so sexy about a lady in all types of suiting, whether it's fitted or oversized. If you happened to see my post on Instagram (see here) I talked about the story behind my images. I wrote about how I look at this editorial and I think of all the behind-the-scenes preparation, and emotions that went into this one story. I had my husband re-shoot this entire look because we just couldn't find my original vision. This particular day I was having hair issues and decided to pull my hair back which gave me just the right vibe. We shot from location to location until we found an urban canvas that connected both look and location. I was wearing wool and it was 90 degrees outside so sweat was inevitable but it made for some amazing dewy skin. I like to say that blood, sweat, and tears go into my images and I am so grateful that I get the chance to work hard and gain an accomplished spirit. With that, I can take my time with projects and create something really beautiful. If I don't find the right emotions the first or second time, I can change it and re-shoot and possibly capture something that I didn't even know I wanted.
What a wonderful world this is where we can create what we want, say what we want and do it as our job. There's no doubt that it's not all sunshine and there's pressure from tight deadlines, but often when you're under pressure, that's when the magic happens. I often put these things out there not thinking its the best I can do, then the reactions are great and I'm left puzzled. I've realized my eye is not the only one out there maybe I don't see the beauty that they see until I look back later and go wow, that was a fun shoot.