My Hair Story

If I wrote a book about my hair woes—and I seriously might, I have that many stories to tell—I would title it What Not to Do to Your Hair, covering everything from horrible extensions to unhealthy bleaching. Through a series of bad dye jobs, cuts, and hair care horrors, I’m learning now that there is a healthy way to treat my hair, no matter what changes I want to make. And after trying so many styles—and making SO many mistakes, to which my husband Kelly and dear friend Nikkie can, unfortunately, attest—I’m finally coming to terms with the fact that, if I’m going to dye my hair blonde from my natural dark brown, it’s so much healthier when it’s shorter. For me, that was a simple truth I just had to accept.

As much as I might like growing out my hair or changing its color on a whim, I’ve learned to prioritize its health over everything else, now paying more attention to the foods I put in my body and the products I use on my head. Maybe soon I’ll write a book called How to Have Healthy Hair, starting with a chapter on Crown Affair ritual shampoo, which has now become MY hair care ritual, and of course, including a section on the life-changing Obliphica seaberry mask that turned my dry, stringy strands into a soft, healthy head of hair.
Lida at 542 Salon, this book would be dedicated to you for teaching me the right ways to bleach, color, and care for my hair, and for enduring the roller coaster ride of transformations before I arrived at this point—with the happiest, healthiest hair I’ve ever had.

Angela Fink